Monday, October 8, 2012

The End or the Beginning?

Last week I talked about that this wasn't meant to be 40 Days in the word and done, but the beginning of a habit.  Good, life-long habits aren't formed overnight.  They're formed over repeated, intentional effort.  That is why we wanted this 40 days journey to not be something that ended, but something that formed a new rhythm for their life.  No greater habit will transform their life than spending time in the Word on a regular basis.

So, I hope that you've been encouraged by this series, that reading your Bible and meeting with God isn't as difficult as you once thought.  And I pray that this is a habit that is forming in you.

If you need further assistance in finding where to go next, don't hesitate to ask.  Don't just stop after 40 Days. Let 40 Days be the staring point - a new beginning.

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