Monday, May 21, 2012

DEVOUR - Consuming the Word of God

This summer, from 6-7 pm we'll be learning how to study scripture.  Be sure to check out our calendar on the website to know what's happening and when.

Imagine eating nothing but snacks for every meal.  Cookies.  Candy bars.  Pizza.  Healthy stuff?  Toss it out the window!  Nutritious choices?  Forget it!  Sounds wonderful, right?

Sure, it might seem like a good idea at first, but over time, that kind of diet will catch up with you!  You can't pursue physical health without paying attention to nutrition and eating good food!

What about your spiritual diet?  Are you settling for "snacking" on the Bible when the delicious, satisfying nourishment of God's Word is right there waiting to be revealed?  Are you surviving solely on a diet of biblical truths provided by parents, youth pastors, and other adults, instead of learning how to "cook" for yourself?

Devour will help you discover how to feast on scripture and pursue a spiritually healthy diet.  You'll learn how to consume, digest, proclaim, and apply ancient biblical texts to your 21st-century life.

Don't rely on other people to fee you; learn how to cook up your own delicious meals packed with the spiritually nutritious truths of the Bible!

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