Monday, January 9, 2012

The Way I'm Wired - Week 1 Follow Up

Parents of High Schoolers:

We’ve just started on Sunday mornings a six-part DVD curriculum entitled The Way I’m Wired: Discovering Who God Made ME to Be. In the first lesson, we unpacked the concept Understanding Your Spiritual Gifts, Best Qualities, and Finest Values. Our students learned how to recognize these three elements of life, which are bold indicators of how they’ve been wired by God to complete their extraordinary life mission.

Major Teaching Point:
If I understand my spiritual gifts, best qualities, and finest values, I’ll see undeniable evidence regarding the specific life work God has assigned me.

Our students learned that…
  • spiritual gifts are those special attributes, such as hospitality, leadership, service, or teaching, that are given by the grace of God to be specifically used in building the kingdom of God for a particular season.
  • all best qualities, such as honesty, loyalty, patience, and punctuality, were created to bring glory to God.
  • Christ-honoring values (finest values), such as freedom, justice, lifelong learning, and teamwork, are principles that indicate who you are and what you hold in high regard.

Our Memory Verse: God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10 NLT).

As the opportunity arises, I’d encourage you to talk with your teenager about our lesson. These questions could help jump-start your conversation:
  • Spiritual Gifts: What top two spiritual gifts have you been given, with which you can serve the body of Christ? Why do you say that?
  • Best Qualities: What two best qualities has God given you? Share a story about how you’ve used one of your qualities for good.
  • Finest Values: In what way does one of your finest values give you a possible hint about what your unique life purpose might be?   

Prayerfully consider having a conversation with your teenager about your own spiritual gifts, best qualities, and finest values. (If you’d like to work through the core content in this series with us, you can pick up a copy of the parent’s companion book: HowYour Teenager Is Wired: Discovering Who God Made Your Teenager to Be. This lesson’s material is covered in Chapter 5 of the parent book. And you may want to get the series’ devotional with 200 Scripture passages about life purpose: The Way I’m Wired: DiscoveringWho God Made ME to Be.)

Thanks for your prayers for all our teenagers. Have a blessed day!

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